Throughout history, storytelling has been used as a way to communicate crucial knowledge from generation to generation.

How wonderful would it be if you can tell your business story in the same manner!

This is where BusinessTeller comes in.

The App

BusinessTeller is an innovative, SAAS, data analysis app that can automatically generate detailed operational reports relating to sales trends, sales commissions, top sellers and more.

It’s ideal app for small-businesses that want a simple yet effective software that can facilitate internal operations.

The app enables small business owners to truly take their business to the next level by harnessing the power of data visualization.

What makes BusinessTeller unique?

BusinessTeller is an easy-to-use piece of software that doesn’t require exceptional IT or analytical skills to operate.

It helps you minimise the time required to analyse raw data and helps you find meaningful business trends that will keep you ahead of your competitors.

Best of all, it empowers you to make informed business decisions so that the trajectory of your business is not left to guesswork.